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تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق – لجان الدفعات

  1. Lejan’s links 🔗
    1. Link Tree
  2. Statistics info.
    1. Syllabus
    2. Download Minitab - Video Explanation
    3. Tables
    4. Formula sheet
    5. Significance of p-value
    6. رموز الدفعات السابقة
    7. First Exam Checklist
  3. Dr. Mousatafa Slides
    1. Ch1: Introduction to the Biostatistics
    2. Ch2: Descriptive Statistics
    3. Work Sheet & Answers for Ch2
    4. Ch3: probability
    5. Ch4: Discrete Probability Distributions
    6. Ch5: Continuous Probability Distributions
    7. Ch6: Estimation
    8. Ch6 Supportive Lecture (pt.A)
    9. Ch6 Supportive Lecture (pt.B)
    10. Ch7: Hypothesis testing:one sample inference
    11. Ch7 Supportive Lecture (pt.A)
    12. Ch7 Supportive Lecture (pt.B)
    13. Ch8: Hypothesis testing:two sample inference
    14. Ch8 Supportive Lecture
    15. Ch10: Hypothesis testing:categorical data
    16. Ch10 Supportive Lecture (pt.A)
    17. Ch10 Supportive Lecture (pt.B)
    18. Ch11: Regression and Correlation Methods
    19. Ch11 Supportive Lecture
    20. Ch12: Multisample inference
    21. Ch12 Supportive Lecture (pt.A)
    22. Ch12 Supportive Lecture (pt.B)
  4. Dr.Moustafa Minitab Slides
    1. Ch1 Minitab
    2. Ch2 Minitab
    3. Ch3&4 Minitab
    4. Ch6-12 Minitab
  5. Dr.Moustafa Lectures
    1. Ch1: Introduction to Biostatistics
    2. Supportive Lecture for Ch1
    3. Ch2: Descriptive Statistics (pt.1)
    4. Ch2: Descriptive Statistics (pt.2)
    5. Ch2: Descriptive Statistics (pt.3)
    6. Ch2: Descriptive Statistics (pt.4)
    7. Ch3: Probability (pt.1)
    8. Ch3: Probability (pt.2)
    9. Ch3: Probability (pt.3)
    10. Ch3: Probability (pt.4)
    11. Ch3: Probability (pt.5)
    12. Ch4: Discrete probability Distributions (pt.1)
    13. Ch4: Discrete probability Distributions (pt.2)
    14. Ch4: Discrete probability Distributions (pt.3)
    15. Ch5: Continues Probability Distributions (pt.1)
    16. Ch5: Continues Probability Distributions (pt.2)
    17. Ch5: Continues Probability Distributions (pt.3)
    18. Ch5: Continues Probability Distributions (pt.4) “0:00-47:00 Required ONLY”
    19. Ch6: Estimation (pt.1)
    20. Ch6: Estimation (pt.2)
    21. Ch6: Estimation (pt.3)
    22. Ch6: Estimation (pt.4)
    23. Ch6: Estimation (pt.5)
    24. Ch6: Estimation (pt.6)
    25. Ch6: Estimation (pt.7)
    26. Ch6: Estimation (pt.8)
    27. Supportive Lecture for Ch6 (pt.1)
    28. Supportive Lecture for Ch6 (pt.2)
    29. Supportive Lecture for Ch6 (pt.3)
    30. Ch7: Hypothesis Testing: One-sample inference (pt.1)
    31. Ch7: Hypothesis Testing: One-sample inference (pt.2)
    32. Supportive Lecture for Ch7 (pt.1)
    33. Supportive Lecture for Ch7 (pt.2)
    34. Ch8: Hypothesis Testing: Two-sample inference (pt.1)
    35. Ch8: Hypothesis Testing: Two-sample inference (pt.2)
    36. Supportive Lecture for Ch8
    37. Ch10: Hypothesis Testing: Categorical Data (pt.1)
    38. Ch10: Hypothesis Testing: Categorical Data (pt.2)
    39. Ch10: Hypothesis Testing: Categorical Data (pt.3)
    40. Ch10: Hypothesis Testing: Categorical Data (pt.4)
    41. Supportive Lecture for Ch10
    42. Ch11: Regression and Correlation Methods (pt.1)
    43. Ch11: Regression and Correlation Methods (pt.2)
    44. Supportive Lecture for Ch11
    45. Ch12: Multisample inference (pt.1)
    46. Ch12: Multisample inference (pt.2)
    47. Ch12: Multisample inference (pt.3)
    48. Supportive Lecture for Ch12 (pt.1)
    49. Supportive Lecture for Ch12 (pt.2)
  6. Dr. Moustafa Minitab lectures
    1. Ch1&2 Minitab
    2. Ch3&4 Minitab “47:00-1:24:31 Required ONLY”
    3. Ch6-12 Minitab (pt.1)
    4. Ch6-12 Minitab (pt.2)
  7. Dr. Mohammad Alhourani Slides
    1. Ch1: Introduction to the Biostatistics
    2. Ch2: Descriptive Statistics
    3. Ch3: probability
    4. Ch4: Discrete Probability Distributions
    5. Ch5: Continuous Probability Distributions
    6. Ch6: Estimation
    7. Ch7: Hypothesis testing:one sample inference
    8. Ch8: Hypothesis testing:two sample inference
    9. Ch10: Hypothesis testing: Categorical Data
    10. Ch11: Regression and Correlation Methods
    11. Ch12: Multisample inference
  8. Dr.Mohammed Alhourani Lectures
    1. Ch1:Introduction to Biostatistics
    2. Ch2: Descriptive Statistics (pt.1)
    3. Ch2: Descriptive Statistics (pt.2)
    4. Ch2: Descriptive Statistics (pt.3)
    5. Ch3: Probability (pt.1)
    6. Ch3: Probability (pt.2)
    7. Ch3: Probability (pt.3)
    8. Ch4: Discrete Probability Distribution (pt.1)
    9. Ch4: Discrete Probability Distribution (pt.2)
    10. Ch5: Continuous Probability Distribution (pt.1)
    11. Ch5: Continuous Probability Distribution (pt.2)
    12. Ch6: Estimation (pt.1)
    13. Ch6: Estimation (pt.2)
    14. Ch6: Estimation (pt.3)
    15. Ch7: Hypothesis testing:one sample inference (pt.1)
    16. Ch7: Hypothesis testing:one sample inference (pt.2)
    17. Ch8: Hypothesis testing:two sample inference (pt.1)
    18. Ch8: Hypothesis testing:two sample inference (pt.2)
    19. Ch8: Hypothesis testing:two sample inference (pt.3) & Ch10: Hypothesis testing: Categorical Data (pt.1)
    20. Ch10: Hypothesis testing: Categorical Data (pt.2)
    21. Ch10: Hypothesis testing: Categorical Data (pt.3)
    22. Ch10: Hypothesis testing: Categorical Data (pt.4)
    23. Ch11: Regression & Correlation Methods (pt.1)
    24. Ch11: Regression & Correlation Methods (pt.2)
    25. Ch11: Regression & Correlation Methods (pt.3)
    26. Ch12: Multisample Inference (pt.1)
    27. Ch12: Multisample Inference (pt.2)
  9. Suggested Problems
    1. Ch2
    2. Ch3-5
    3. Ch6
    4. Ch7
    5. Ch8
    6. Ch10
    7. Ch11
    8. All Chapters (Solution in Details) by Hind Shaker
  10. Summaries & Notebooks
    1. Ch2 by Nadeen Abedalwahab
    2. Ch3,4,6,7,10&11 by Hind Shaker
    3. Ch1,2,3,6,7&8 by Raghad Yahya
    4. Ch2,4,5,6,7,8,10&11 by Mohammad Omoush
    5. Ch2,3,4&5 by Waleed Darwad
    6. Ch4,5,6,7&8 by lujain Khamis
    7. Ch10 by Aya Aljamal
    8. Ch10,11&12 by Mohammad Ibrahim
    9. Ch10 by Abdulrahman Sawalha
    10. Ch10&11 by Raya Alweshah
    11. Ch10&11 by Mariam Ayasrah
    12. Ch10&11 by Malak Majid
    13. Ch6,10&11 by Farah Alhamaidah
    14. Ch6,7,8,10,11&12 by Tala Saleh
    15. All Material by Moath Fateh
    16. All Material by Mas Nafoukh
    17. Ch1-5 Equations by Arwa Bader
    18. Ch6-9 Equations by Arwa Bader
    19. All Chapters Equations by Abdulrahman Sawalha
    20. Formula Sheet Edited by Hind Shaker
    21. Revision for Ch 6,7,8 by Aya Wajdy
    22. Chapter 7 by Aya Wajdy
    23. Chapter 6 by Taymaa Zuhier
    24. Summary of laws by anonymous
    25. Ch6,7,8 laws by Nadeen Rawajfeh
    26. Chapter 3 laws by Nadeen Rawajfeh
    27. Ch6-8 by Awni Nimer
    28. Ch10-12 by Awni Nimer
  11. Assignments & Solutions By Moath Fateh
    1. Assignment - Ch2
    2. Assignment - Ch3
    3. Assignment - Ch4
    4. Assignment - Ch5
    5. Assignment - Ch6
    6. Assignment - Ch7
    7. Assignment - Ch8
    8. Assignment - Ch10
    9. Assignment - Ch11
    10. Assignment - Ch12
    11. 🔻All Assignment Solutions - Videos🔻
  12. Testbanks by Arwa Bader
    1. Ch1-5 (pt.A)
    2. Ch1-5 (pt.B)
    3. Videos by Hind Shaker on solving the test bank for Ch1-5 (pt.A&B)
    4. Ch1-5 (pt.C)
    5. Ch6-8 (pt.A)
    6. Ch6-8 (pt.B)
    7. Ch10
    8. Ch11
    9. Ch12
    10. All Material
  13. Past Papers 023
    1. First Exam
    2. First & Second Exam
    3. Final Exam
    4. First Exam 024