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تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق – لجان الدفعات

  1. Lejan’s links 🔗
    1. Link Tree
  2. Biology info.
    1. Syllabus
    2. رموز الدفعات السابقة
    3. First Exam Checklist
    4. Syllabus modifications for Ch16&17
  3. Slides
    1. Ch3: The chemistry of Water
    2. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids
    3. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.1)
    4. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.2)
    5. Ch8: Cell Membranes
    6. Ch6: Energy & Life
    7. Ch10: Cell Respiration
    8. Ch11: Photosynthetic Processes
    9. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance
    10. Ch17: Expression of Genes
  4. Modified Slides
    1. Modified Slides for All Chapters by Muthanna Khalil
  5. Booknote with translated
    1. Ch3: The chemistry of Water
    2. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids
    3. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions
    4. Ch8: Cell Membranes
    5. Ch6: Energy & Life
    6. Ch10: Cell Respiration
    7. Ch11: Photosynthetic Processes
    8. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance
    9. Ch17: Expression of Genes
  6. Other Notebook
    1. Hadeel Al-Kayed Notebook
    2. Mohammad Omari Notebook
    3. Momen Al-Tamimi Notebook
    4. Way to 100 Notebook
  7. Dr. Samih Tamimi Lectures
    1. Ch3: The chemistry of Water (Pt.1)
    2. Ch3: The chemistry of Water (Pt.2)
    3. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (Pt.1)
    4. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (Pt.2)
    5. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (Pt.3)
    6. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (Pt.4)
    7. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (Pt.1)
    8. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (Pt.2)
    9. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (Pt.3)
    10. Ch8: Cell Membranes (Pt.1)
    11. Ch8: Cell Membranes (Pt.2)
    12. Ch8: Cell Membranes (pt.3)
    13. Ch6: Energy & Life (Pt.1)
    14. Ch6: Energy & Life (Pt.2)
    15. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.1)
    16. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.2)
    17. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.3)
    18. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.4)
    19. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.5)
    20. Ch11: Photosynthetic Processes (Pt.1)
    21. Ch11: Photosynthetic Processes (Pt.2)
    22. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (Pt.1)
    23. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (Pt.2)
    24. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (Pt.3)
    25. Ch17: Expression of Genes (Pt.1)
    26. Ch17: Expression of Genes (Pt.2)
    27. All lectures (Recorded)
  8. Dr. Mammon Al-Rshaidat Lectures
    1. Ch3: The chemistry of Water (Pt.1)
    2. Ch3: The chemistry of Water (Pt.2)
    3. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (Pt.1)
    4. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (Pt.2)
    5. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (Pt.3)
    6. Ch5: Biological Macromolecules and Lipids (Pt.4)
    7. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.1)
    8. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.2)
    9. Ch7: Cell Structure & Functions (pt.3)
    10. Ch8: Cell Membranes (Pt.1)
    11. Ch8: Cell Membranes (Pt.2)
    12. Ch8: Cell Membranes (Pt.3)
    13. Ch8: Cell Membranes (Pt.4)
    14. Ch6: Energy & Life (Pt.1)
    15. Ch6: Energy & Life (Pt.2)
    16. Ch6: Energy & Life (Pt.3)
    17. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.1)
    18. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.2)
    19. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.3)
    20. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.4)
    21. Ch10: Cell Respiration (Pt.5)
    22. Ch11: Photosynthetic Processes (Pt.1)
    23. Ch11: Photosynthetic Processes (Pt.2)
    24. Ch11: Photosynthetic Processes (Pt.3)
    25. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (Pt.1)
    26. Ch16: Nucleic Acids & Inheritance (Pt.2)
    27. Ch17: Expression of Genes (Pt.1)
    28. Ch17: Expression of Genes (Pt.2)
    29. Ch17: Expression of Genes (Pt.3)
    30. Ch17: Expression of Genes (Pt.4)
  9. Other Videos
    1. Enas Alkurdi Videos - All Chapters
    2. Ahmad Al-Haj Videos - All Chapters
    3. Mohammad Omari Videos - All Chapters
    4. Momen Al-Tamimi Videos - All Chapters
    5. Ahmad Aljamal Videos - Ch5,7,8,6&10
    6. AbdAlrahman Froukh Videos - Ch3,5,7&8
  10. Self Study Material - Videos & Notebook
    1. Videos - Assignment 1 (Acidification) & Assignment 2 (Microscope)
    2. Notebook - Assignment 1 - Ch3 (Acidification)
    3. Notebook - Assignment 2 - Ch7 (Microscope)
  11. Summaries
    1. Ch6 by Israa Alyamani
    2. Ch3,5,6,7,8&10 by Ahmad Al-Qwasmi
    3. Bonds in Ch3&5&8 by Sadeel Mohammad
    4. Ch5 by Omar Ahmed
    5. Ch5 by Tala Alali
    6. Ch7 by Tala Alali
    7. Ch8 by Tala Alali
    8. Ch6,7&8 by Mohammad Omoush
    9. Ch7,8,11,16&17 by Hind Shaker
    10. The Enzymes in Ch10 by Sadeel Mohammad
    11. The Net product of TCA cycle , ETC & Glycolysis by Sadeel Mohammad
    12. Ch16 by Raya Al-Weshah
    13. Scientists & Dicoveries by Qutaibah & Abdalaziz
    14. All Material by Zain Alanani
  12. Test Banks
    1. Campbell TestBanks
    2. Ch3,5,7&8 by Zain Alanani
    3. Ch6&10 by Zain Alanani
    4. Ch11,16&17 by Zain Alanani
    5. All Chapters by Ahmad Al-Qawasmi
    6. All Chapters by Pharmacolijan
    7. All Chapters by Enas Al-Kurdi & Jayroon Al-Za'anon
  13. Past Papers
    1. First Exams (018-023) - Ch3,5,7&8
    2. Second Exams (018-023) - Ch6&10
    3. Final Exams (018-023) - All Chapters