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تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق – لجان الدفعات
- Lejan’s links 🔗
- Chemistry info.
Dr. Hazem & Dr. Ahmad Slides
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.1)
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.2)
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions
- Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.1)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.2)
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.1)
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.2)
- Ch6 : Thermochemistry
- Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
- Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding
- Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory
- Modified Slides
Suggested problems
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions
- Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State
- Ch6 : Thermochemistry
- Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
- Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding
- Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory
- 🚨 Most Important Suggested problems for All Chapters by Sameer Tayyem
- 🔻Suggested problems Solution for All Chapters
- Suggested problems Solution in Details for Ch7,8,9 by Noor Marzooq
- Suggested problems Solution in Details for Ch9,10 by Hind Shaker
- Suggested problems Solution in Details for Ch10 by Raghad
Dr. Hazem Amarne’s lectures
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.1)
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.2)
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.3)
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.4)
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.5)
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.1A)
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.1B)
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.2)
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.3)
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.4)
- Ch3 : Calculation with Chemical Formula and Equations (pt.1)
- Ch3 : Calculation with Chemical Formula and Equations (pt.2)
- Ch3 : Calculation with Chemical Formula and Equations (pt.3)
- Ch3 : Calculation with Chemical Formula and Equations (pt.4)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.1)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.2)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.3)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.4)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.5)
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.1)
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.2)
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.3)
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.4)
- Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.1)
- Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.2)
- Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.3)
- Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
- Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.1)
- Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.2)
- Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.3)
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.1)
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.2)
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.3)
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.4)
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.5)
- Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.1)
- Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.2)
Dr. Ahmad Makahleh’s lectures
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.1)
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.2)
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.3)
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.4)
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.1)
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.2)
- Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations (pt.1)
- Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations (pt.2)
- Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations (pt.3)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.1)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.2)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.3)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.4)
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.5)
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.1)
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.2)
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.3)
- Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.1)
- Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.2)
- Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.3) & Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
- Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.1)
- Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.2)
- Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.3) & Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.1)
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.2)
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.3)
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.4) & Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.1)
- Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.2)
- Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.3)
- Other Lectures
Students’ Summaries
- Ch2,3,4,5,6 by Israa Alyamani
- Ch1 by Sameeh Hejazeen
- Ch2 by Sara Masadeh
- Ch1,4,5,6,7 by Mohammad Omoush
- Ch2,3,4,5,6 by Zeina
- Ch5,6,8 by Mohammed Ibrahim
- Ch5,7,8 by Mas Nafoukh
- Ch5&10 by Farah Alhamaidah
- Ch7,8,9,10 by Hind Shaker
- Ch5,6,10 by Abdulrahman Sawalha
- Ch8&9 by Raya AlWeshah
- Ch8,9,10 Exceptions by Tala Saleh
- Ch10 by Raghad Yahya
Test bank
- Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement
- Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions
- Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations
- Ch4 : Chemical Reactions
- Ch5 : The Gaseous State
- Ch6 : Thermochemistry
- Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
- Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity
- Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding
- Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory
- Past papers
- Additional files and notes