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تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق – لجان الدفعات

  1. Lejan’s links 🔗
    1. Link Tree
  2. Chemistry info.
    1. Syllabus
    2. رموز الدفعات السابقة
    3. First Exam Checklist
  3. Dr. Hazem & Dr. Ahmad Slides
    1. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.1)
    2. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.2)
    3. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions
    4. Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations
    5. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.1)
    6. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.2)
    7. Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.1)
    8. Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.2)
    9. Ch6 : Thermochemistry
    10. Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
    11. Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity
    12. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding
    13. Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory
  4. Modified Slides
    1. Modified Slides for All Chapters by Jood Alzubidi
    2. Modified Slides for All Chapters by Sameer Tayyem
  5. Suggested problems
    1. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement
    2. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions
    3. Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations
    4. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions
    5. Ch5 : The Gaseous State
    6. Ch6 : Thermochemistry
    7. Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
    8. Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity
    9. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding
    10. Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory
    11. 🚨 Most Important Suggested problems for All Chapters by Sameer Tayyem
    12. 🔻Suggested problems Solution for All Chapters
    13. Suggested problems Solution in Details for Ch7,8,9 by Noor Marzooq
    14. Suggested problems Solution in Details for Ch9,10 by Hind Shaker
    15. Suggested problems Solution in Details for Ch10 by Raghad
  6. Dr. Hazem Amarne’s lectures
    1. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.1)
    2. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.2)
    3. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.3)
    4. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.4)
    5. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.5)
    6. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.1A)
    7. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.1B)
    8. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.2)
    9. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.3)
    10. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.4)
    11. Ch3 : Calculation with Chemical Formula and Equations (pt.1)
    12. Ch3 : Calculation with Chemical Formula and Equations (pt.2)
    13. Ch3 : Calculation with Chemical Formula and Equations (pt.3)
    14. Ch3 : Calculation with Chemical Formula and Equations (pt.4)
    15. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.1)
    16. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.2)
    17. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.3)
    18. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.4)
    19. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.5)
    20. Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.1)
    21. Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.2)
    22. Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.3)
    23. Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.4)
    24. Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.1)
    25. Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.2)
    26. Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.3)
    27. Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
    28. Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.1)
    29. Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.2)
    30. Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.3)
    31. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.1)
    32. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.2)
    33. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.3)
    34. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.4)
    35. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.5)
    36. Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.1)
    37. Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.2)
  7. Dr. Ahmad Makahleh’s lectures
    1. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.1)
    2. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.2)
    3. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.3)
    4. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement (pt.4)
    5. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.1)
    6. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions (pt.2)
    7. Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations (pt.1)
    8. Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations (pt.2)
    9. Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations (pt.3)
    10. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.1)
    11. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.2)
    12. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.3)
    13. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.4)
    14. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions (pt.5)
    15. Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.1)
    16. Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.2)
    17. Ch5 : The Gaseous State (pt.3)
    18. Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.1)
    19. Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.2)
    20. Ch6 : Thermochemistry (pt.3) & Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
    21. Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.1)
    22. Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.2)
    23. Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity (pt.3) & Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.1)
    24. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.2)
    25. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.3)
    26. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding (pt.4) & Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.1)
    27. Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.2)
    28. Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory (pt.3)
  8. Other Lectures
    1. Dr. Jalal Zehra’s Lectures
    2. Yara Hammad’s Lectures
    3. Mohammed Al Zubaidi‘s Lectures
    4. Ibrahim Gabriel’s Lectures
  9. Students’ Summaries
    1. Ch2,3,4,5,6 by Israa Alyamani
    2. Ch1 by Sameeh Hejazeen
    3. Ch2 by Sara Masadeh
    4. Ch1,4,5,6,7 by Mohammad Omoush
    5. Ch2,3,4,5,6 by Zeina
    6. Ch5,6,8 by Mohammed Ibrahim
    7. Ch5,7,8 by Mas Nafoukh
    8. Ch5&10 by Farah Alhamaidah
    9. Ch7,8,9,10 by Hind Shaker
    10. Ch5,6,10 by Abdulrahman Sawalha
    11. Ch8&9 by Raya AlWeshah
    12. Ch8,9,10 Exceptions by Tala Saleh
    13. Ch10 by Raghad Yahya
  10. Test bank
    1. Ch1 : Chemistry and Measurement
    2. Ch2 : Atoms , Molecules and Ions
    3. Ch3 : Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations
    4. Ch4 : Chemical Reactions
    5. Ch5 : The Gaseous State
    6. Ch6 : Thermochemistry
    7. Ch7 : Quantum Theory of the Atom
    8. Ch8 : Electron Configuration and Periodicity
    9. Ch9 : Ionic and Covalent Bonding
    10. Ch10 : Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory
  11. Past papers
    1. First exam 020-023 (Chapters 1-4)
    2. Second exam 020-023 (Chapters 5-7)
    3. Final exam 020-023 (All Chapters)
  12. Additional files and notes
    1. Summary of laws of Ch5 by Shorouq Matalka
    2. Summery for Ch5 by Ndeen Rawagfeh